Amputee from Sudan government air strike wants justice, apology

One of the victims of the government’s airstrikes on the area around Lebdo village in South Darfur, Osman Mahmood, demanded trials for those responsible for the attacks which took the life of his relative and amputated his right leg from the knee.

One of the victims of the government’s airstrikes on the area around Lebdo village in South Darfur, Osman Mahmood, demanded trials for those responsible for the attacks which took the life of his relative and amputated his right leg from the knee. During an interview with Radio Dabanga from Nyala Hospital where he was receiving treatment, Osman called on the government to stop targeting unarmed civilians and innocent people in Darfur far from the rebel factions which they are battling. Osman also revealed that he could not afford some necessary medicine, despite that fact that the governor of South Darfur had visited him in the hospital and promised to pay the expenses of his treatment even if that meant transferring him to Khartoum.

He stated that he was only given medications worth 160 pounds after which Diwan Elzaka and the Ministry of Finance excused themselves from bearing the expenses of the treatment. Osman also stated his surprise at the fact that no representative from the army came to visit him or even apologize to him.

