‘Allow access to aid organizations’

Independent human rights experts asks for investigation into human rights violations Mohamed Chande Othman, an independent human rights expert, called on the government of Sudan to ensure unimpeded access for all humanitarian organizations in Darfur.

Independent human rights experts asks for investigation into human rights violations

Mohamed Chande Othman, an independent human rights expert, called on the government of Sudan to ensure unimpeded access for all humanitarian organizations in Darfur.Othman said that aid organizations need to be functional in affected areas so that they can deliver required assistance to the affected populations displaced by the fighting in Darfur.

In a report to the UN Human Rights Council, the expert urged the United Nations-African Union joint mission in Darfur (UNAMID) to take necessary measures to deter operations that targeted civilians and protect Darfuris from being violated on grounds of human rights and international law.

Othman said that there needs to be an investigation into the allegations of human rights violations and violation of international humanitarian law against the Sudanese government. “The perpetrators should be brought to justice, especially people who have leadership responsibilities,” he said.

He was in all likelihood referring to President Omar Al Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur along with Ahmed Harun, the current governor of South Kordofan.

Resolve Abyei

“The government and the SPLM (Sudan People’s Liberation Movement), need to take all necessary steps to create an environment that enables the voluntary return of it citizens to their homes in Abyei,” Othman said, adding that the government of Sudan should allow access to UN into th areas affected by conflict.

He added that the government of South Sudan should resume negotiations with Sudanese authorities to settle their differences over the Abyei referendum through the formation of an Abyei Referendum Commission which will take concrete steps to reduce the tensions between the Dinka and Misseriya tribes.

Abdul Baki Jibril, an official at the Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre (DRDC) and Information in Geneva told Radio Dabanga, “The Human Rights Council’s mandate must be renewed and another expert must be appointed, despite opposition from the government.” He expects the human rights council to issue a resolution on the human rights situation in Sudan next week.

Abdul Baki Jibril called for an independent investigation into the the allegations of human rights violations in South Kordofan, a region that has suffered from air raids and fighting on the ground since June this year.

He also called on the warring parties in South Kordofan to agree immediately on a ceasefire and take a step forward to resolve differences. “Both parties should initiate negotiations and dialogues to meet the needs and aspirations of different ethnic groups. There should be a safe passage for civilians and humanitarian organizations to function unimpeded in South Kordofan,” Abdul Baki Jibril told Radio Dabanga.

He stressed on the need for an international commission of inquiry in the light of the situation in South Kordofan.


