Al Bashir urges people of Darfur ‘to expel the devil’

President Omar Al Bashir, the ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) candidate for the upcoming presidential election, has renewed his calls for ending the war in Darfur. Musa Hilal will support the general election, scheduled to start on 13 April.
Addressing a rally in Nyala, South Darfur, on Thursday, the incumbent president said that the 2011 Doha Document for Peace in Darfur has met all the demands of the Darfuris.

President Omar Al Bashir, the ruling National Congress Party's (NCP) candidate for the upcoming presidential election, has renewed his calls for ending the war in Darfur. Musa Hilal will support the general election, scheduled to start on 13 April.

Addressing a rally in Nyala, South Darfur, on Thursday, the incumbent president said that the 2011 Doha Document for Peace in Darfur has met all the demands of the Darfuris. “There is no longer any need for carrying arms, except for those who want to undermine peace. 

“It was the devil that entered Darfur, dismantled the social fabric, and divided the people until they disagreed, and began fighting with each other,” he said in his electoral campaign speech, urging the Darfuris to curse the devil, and “expel him by deeds, not by words”.

‘Best option’

Sheikh Musa Hilal, former Janjaweed leader and head of the Mahameed tribe in Darfur, announced that his Revolutionary Awakening Council has decided to support the candidacy of the incumbent Sudanese president.

Hilal had previously threatened to disrupt the election.

The state-owned Sudan News Agency (Suna) reported on Friday that the Mahameed leader advised his tribesmen to participate in the election, and vote for the candidate of their choice.

Addressing a meeting of the Mahameed Shura Council in Jebel Moon locality, West Darfur, he said that “President Omar Al Bashir is the best option to lead Sudan in the next phase”.


