Adolescent girl kidnapped in N. Darfur

A 13-year old girl was kidnapped Sunday in North Darfur. She was taken by an armed group from Koro Koli village in Seraf Omra area. One of her relatives said that the region is plagued by kidnappings – including one reported recently by Radio Dabanga involving a businessman – besides also murder and looting by armed men on camels. Camps of conflict-displaced people are particularly affected by the violence.

A 13-year old girl was kidnapped Sunday in North Darfur. She was taken by an armed group from Koro Koli village in Seraf Omra area. One of her relatives said that the region is plagued by kidnappings – including one reported recently by Radio Dabanga involving a businessman – besides also murder and looting by armed men on camels. Camps of conflict-displaced people are particularly affected by the violence.In the same context, the witness said that internally displaced persons living at camps around Saraf Omra are terrified by nighttime gunfire. The culprits responsible for this are known to all, said the witness, but nobody stops them. There is also an acute shortage of food, medicine and blankets.

