Abu Nabag refugees say situation is bad, blame Bashir

A wind storm hit Abu Nabag Camp in eastern Chad last Thursday, causing destruction to shelters used by the refugees. The storm blew away tarpaulins that protect the homes of the refugees from rain and cold. Refugees said that this increased the suffering of children and the elderly, given the cold at this time of year. The refugees are suffering from a deteriorating health situation, a food shortages and an outbreak of flu within the camp. Speaking over Radio Dabanga, refugees appealed to humanitarian organizations to provide aid and assistance urgently because of the difficulty of the situation.

A wind storm hit Abu Nabag Camp in eastern Chad last Thursday, causing destruction to shelters used by the refugees. The storm blew away tarpaulins that protect the homes of the refugees from rain and cold. Refugees said that this increased the suffering of children and the elderly, given the cold at this time of year. The refugees are suffering from a deteriorating health situation, a food shortages and an outbreak of flu within the camp. Speaking over Radio Dabanga, refugees appealed to humanitarian organizations to provide aid and assistance urgently because of the difficulty of the situation.In additional remarks on the occasion of the New Year, the refugees asked the International Criminal Court to speed up its prosecution of President Omar Al Bashir and his henchmen, saying this would end their suffering because they are the cause of their affliction. They said Bashir should be removed from power because he committed genocide against their communities. They urged Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council to move to put an end to the commission of crimes in Darfur.

