Abdul Wahid Nur demands no-fly zone over Darfur

Abdul Wahid Mohamed Al Nur, the chairman of the Sudan Liberation Movement, demanded the international community impose a no-fly zone over Darfur to protect and prevent the killing of civilians, saying the genocide in Darfur is still ongoing.

Abdul Wahid Mohamed Al Nur, the chairman of the Sudan Liberation Movement, demanded the international community impose a no-fly zone over Darfur to protect and prevent the killing of civilians, saying the genocide in Darfur is still ongoing.Al Nur condemned the international community for not caring about the killing going on in Sudan. Nur accused the Sudanese government of exploiting some crises like the situation in Libya to carry out attacks on Darfur. In an interview with the AFP he demanded the international community and the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Darfur to stop the attacks of the government.

He also added the issue to them is not about going to Doha (the peace talk) or not going, but it is about security, stressing that without security there is no peace. He said they want humanitarian respect for their people and their security which he said is not being provided at the moment.

