73 villages damaged by floods in Sudan’s White Nile state

The acting governor of White Nile state has reported the death of at least one person and damage of 73 villages in various localities due to flash floods that swept the state lately.

Flooded Wad Ramli in northern Khartoum this week (Picture: Social media)

The acting governor of White Nile state has reported the death of at least one person and damage of 73 villages in various localities due to flash floods that swept the state lately.

The governor said at a press conference on Monday that the magnitude of the damage caused by the floods and torrents is beyond the state’s capabilities and that the donors have not reached most of the affected areas, except Um Ramta and El Salam.

The governor acknowledged the weakness of the state’s capability, especially medically, and welcomed anyone willing to provide assistance to those affected.

He said that traders in disaster exist who are taking advantage of these circumstances, where he said that a loaf weighing 70 grams is sold at a price of SDG 6-5.

According to the acting Minister of Production and Natural Resources of neighbouring Sennar reported on Monday that the total area affected by floods in the state are 7,290 acres of bananas, 450 acres of mangos, and 4,070 acres of vegetables.

He added that a total of 250 acres of cotton and 2729 acres of sorghum were flooded in irrigated projects.


As reported by Radio Dabanga on Sunday, Sudan’s Deputy Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Ahmed Fadlallah reported new figures on damage and losses due to rain and floods in the country on Friday. The death toll has risen to 78.

In total 89 people were injured. The number of families affected is 65,322; 40,800 homes collapsed totally; 24,444 homes collapsed partially; 184 schools were affected; and 4,707 animals drowned.

67 localities

In total 67 localities are affected in 14 states. Most damage was reported in White Nile state, Kassala, El Gedaref, Khartoum, El Gezira, Sennar, and Red Sea state.


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