480 more families flee to Darfur’s huge Kalma camp

A leader of the displaced people in Kalma camp in South Darfur revealed that 480 families had fled to the camp in the wake of fighting between government forces and the Justice and Equality Movement in areas of Sharq Jebel Marra, Shangil Tobayi and parts of south the railway. The camp leader, Hussein Abu Alsharati, said that these families are living in extremely difficult conditions. He said that no one has offered to help them.

A leader of the displaced people in Kalma camp in South Darfur revealed that 480 families had fled to the camp in the wake of fighting between government forces and the Justice and Equality Movement in areas of Sharq Jebel Marra, Shangil Tobayi and parts of south the railway. The camp leader, Hussein Abu Alsharati, said that these families are living in extremely difficult conditions. He said that no one has offered to help them.

