36 NGOs and individuals write open letter on concerns over human rights in Sudan

A group of 36 NGOs and individuals regarding have signed an open letter on the eve of the 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, voicing their concerns about the human rights situation in Sudan.

A group of 36 NGOs and individuals regarding have signed an open letter on the eve of the 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council, voicing their concerns about the human rights situation in Sudan.

The Council’s 33rd session is due to commence on Tuesday 13 September, and will run until 30 September.

The letter is addressed to Permanent Representatives of Members and Observer States of the UN:

“Our organisations write to you in advance of the opening of the 33rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council to share our serious concerns regarding the human rights and humanitarian situation in Sudan. Many of these abuses are detailed in the attached annex.  ​

“We draw your attention to the Sudanese government’s continuing abuses against civilians in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur, including unlawful attacks on villages and indiscriminate bombing of civilians.”

“We draw your attention to the Sudanese government’s continuing abuses against civilians in South Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur, including unlawful attacks on villages and indiscriminate bombing of civilians. We are also concerned about the continuing repression of civil and political rights, in particular the ongoing crackdown on protesters and abuse of independent civil society and human rights defenders. In a recent example in March 2016, four representatives of Sudanese civil society were intercepted by security officials at Khartoum International Airport on their way to a high level human rights meeting with diplomats that took place in Geneva on 31 March. The meeting was organised by the international NGO, UPR Info, in preparation for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sudan that took place in May.”

The letter calls upon the delegation “to support the development and adoption of a strong and action-oriented resolution on Sudan under agenda item 4 at the 33rd session of the UN Human Rights Council. The resolution should mandate a Special Rapporteur to monitor and report on ongoing human rights violations and recommend to the Sudanese government concrete ways to end them, and publicly urge the Government of Sudan to implement the recommendations made to Sudan by the UN Human Rights Council during its 2016 Universal Periodic Review.”

The letter includes a list of recommendations, requesting the Council to bring pressure to bear on the Sudanese government.

Read a PDF of the complete letter with linked references here

The letter is endorsed by organisations:

Act for Sudan

Alkarama Foundation

Al Khatim Adlan Centre for Enlightenment and Human Development (KACE)

African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies

Amnesty International

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Christian Solidarity Worldwide

CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation

Darfur Bar Association

Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre


Enough Project

Face Past for Future

Human Rights and Development Organisation

Human Rights Watch

International Commission of Jurists

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

International Refugee Rights Initiative

Journalists for Human Rights – Sudan

National Human Rights Monitoring Organisation

Never Again Coalition



Skills for Nuba Mountains

Stop Genocide Now

Sudan Consortium

Sudan Democracy First Group

Sudanese Human Rights Initiative

Sudanese Human Rights Monitor

Sudanese Rights Group (Huqooq)

Sudan Unlimited

Waging Peace



Dr. Abdel Mutaal Girshab, Human Rights Consultant.

Dr. Ahmed A. Saeed, civil society member and political activist.

Nagla Ahmed, human rights defender.

Salih Amaar, Deputy Editor in Chief of Al-Taghyeer

