27 Sudan army soldiers captured in North Darfur battle

Darfuri rebels captured 27 soldiers in the fighting Tuesday in Wadi Mora, according to a rebel commander. The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al Nur claimed also that government aircraft bombed heavily in the region of Wadi Mora in northern Darfur, where fierce fighting took place Tuesday between government forces and armed movements.

Darfuri rebels captured 27 soldiers in the fighting Tuesday in Wadi Mora, according to a rebel commander. The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid Al Nur claimed also that government aircraft bombed heavily in the region of Wadi Mora in northern Darfur, where fierce fighting took place Tuesday between government forces and armed movements.Tarada, the deputy commanding general of the movement of Abdel Wahid, told Radio Dabanga that the rebels captured 27 soldiers including two officers, one with the rank of captain. The prisoners were taken at the Battle of Wadi Mora the day before yesterday.

Commander Tarada said that the government army used aircraft including helicopters, MiGs and Antonovs to attack a combined force of SLA-Abdel Wahid, SLA-Minawi and LJM-Karbino. The planes also allegedly attacked densely populated villages. He claimed that the aerial bombardment led to the burning of two villages in the region.

Radio Dabanga could not reach the official spokesman of the Armed Forces for comment on the news.

27 Sudan army soldiers captured in North Darfur battle

