242 held by RSF for South Darfur tribal clashes

A total of 242 suspects have been arrested and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia has deployed 300 combat vehicles in the area in South Darfur beset by recent tribal clashes.

Rapid Support Forces in Darfur (File Photo)

A total of 242 suspects have been arrested and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) government militia has deployed 300 combat vehicles in the area in South Darfur beset by recent tribal clashes.

Tribal leaders cooperated with authorities to arrested suspects and retrieved a large number of livestock stolen during fighting between Fallata and Rizeigat tribesmen last week.

As previously reported by Radio Dabanga, the deputy commander of the RSF militia, Maj Gen Abdelrahim Hamdan, said that his forces managed to retrieve at least 20,000 head livestock stolen during the clashes.

Hamdan praised the leaders of the Beni Halba tribe in Ed El Fursan and the Gimir in Katila for their cooperation with the authorities in retrieving the stolen properties and accommodate those affected by the violence. He also praised Rizeigat leaders for their cooperation to arrest 242 people suspected to be involved in the recent violence.

The militia commander explained that their mission consists of restoring peace and security, capture those responsible for the recent violence, and recover the stolen properties as well as collecting unauthorised weapons. “The security forces will remain in this area until security is restored,” he said.

The acting governor of South Darfur asserted that those responsible for the outbreak of the fighting will face justice.

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