2 Darfuri girls raped near Kutum and El Geneina

An armed group raped a girl at Kassab Camp last Tuesday. The girl, 18 years old, had been out collecting firewood. The same armed group on Wednesday also beat two men from the camp.

An armed group raped a girl at Kassab Camp last Tuesday. The girl, 18 years old, had been out collecting firewood. The same armed group on Wednesday also beat two men from the camp.People in the camp told Radio Dabanga that the armed group accosted the girl while she was on her way to collect firewood north of the camp. The same armed group the next day attacked the citizen Issa Ibrahim, who is now reported to be in a coma at Kutum Hospital. They took his money and three sheep. Another group of armed men on the same day attacked Suleiman Yahia Adam at his ranch in the region.

Displaced in Kassab Camp pointed out that they have become somewhat trapped and can not get out of the camp to shop or get firewood for fear of assault and seizure of their property by gunmen loyal to the government.

Another case of rape was reported in El Geneina near Martyr Airport. A 16 year old girl from Ardamata Displaced Camp was raped at gunpoint. She was later taken to the hospital in El Geneina after opening a police case at the Ardamata Police Department.

Witnesses told Radio Dabanga that the girl was among four who went to the area near the airport to collect firewood. Shepherds armed with a Kalishnikov rifle fell upon them but three of the girls managed to escape. One source identified the camp district where the victims lives and described her as an orphan whose father had been killed in events in the El Geneina region.

