11,000 newly displaced living rough in South Darfur camp

About 11,000 newly displaced in El Salam camp, south of Nyala, in Bielel locality, are still living in the open without water, food or shelter. “The newly displaced are living in extremely bad conditions,” sheikh Mahjoub Adam Tabaldiya of El Salam camp told Radio Dabanga.“They are facing an acute drinking water crisis. Most of them spend the whole day to collect one jerrycan of water, and sometimes they do not succeed in even this.”   He urged the Humanitarian Aid Commission of South Darfur State to “act and solve the potable water problem as soon as possible”.Trapped Tabaldiya added that the displaced are still trapped in the camp because of the proliferation of militias along the road linking El Salam camp with Nyala city and other places.“The road is open from traffic between 9am until 4pm, but it is too risky to leave the camp.” File photo: Distribution of 40,000 liters of water among the local community in El Sareif, North Darfur (Albert Gonzalez Farran/Unamid) Related: 18,000 newly displaced arrive at South Darfur camps; militias surround El Salam (3 March 2014)

About 11,000 newly displaced in El Salam camp, south of Nyala, in Bielel locality, are still living in the open without water, food or shelter.

“The newly displaced are living in extremely bad conditions,” sheikh Mahjoub Adam
Tabaldiya of El Salam camp told Radio Dabanga.

“They are facing an acute drinking water crisis. Most of them spend the whole day to collect one jerrycan of water, and sometimes they do not succeed in even this.”  

He urged the Humanitarian Aid Commission of South Darfur State to “act and solve the potable water problem as soon as possible”.


Tabaldiya added that the displaced are still trapped in the camp because of the proliferation of militias along the road linking El Salam camp with Nyala city and other places.

“The road is open from traffic between 9am until 4pm, but it is too risky to leave the camp.”

File photo: Distribution of 40,000 liters of water among the local community in El Sareif, North Darfur (Albert Gonzalez Farran/Unamid)

Related: 18,000 newly displaced arrive at South Darfur camps; militias surround El Salam (3 March 2014)


