‘10,000 murdered since 2004’: North Darfur displaced

A report by sheikhs of the Tawila camps for the displaced in North Darfur, prepared for a UN, Unamid, government, and NGO delegation, paints a grim picture of death, rape, and destruction.

A report by sheikhs of the Tawila camps for the displaced in North Darfur, prepared for a UN, Unamid, government, and NGO delegation, paints a grim picture of death, rape, and destruction.

The report released on Thursday, claims that since 2004, 10,000 people have been murdered. 6,000 people were injured, 1,600 women (600 of them girls) have been raped, 400 villages burned, and losses of SDG380 billion ($62.3 billion) have been inflicted on the local population, according to the sheikhs.

Omda Mukhtar Bosh told Radio Dabanga that the sheikhs, omdas, and the youth and women’s union, handed the report to the delegation at a meeting held at Rwanda camp on Thursday.

He added that the displaced fielded questions from the delegation related to security and their feelings about Unamid exiting Darfur. “The answer was that a Unamid exit was unanimously rejected,” he said. “We told the delegation that it would lead to a second genocide in Darfur”.

He said that conversely, the displaced asked for a strengthening of the Unamid mandate to enable it to perform its role in protecting citizens.

Omda Bosh said the displaced confirmed at the meeting they would not return to their areas and homes until after the disarmament of the Janjaweed and Rapid Support Forces under the supervision of the UN, expulsion of new settlers from their land, and confining weapons and charging maintenance of security in the hands of the army and the police only.

